Monday 16 February 2015


I would like to direct you away from here because it is no longer active as of now! I have my own website and have no need for a blog.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

All Consuming

I am starting to direct this blog more to writing rather than my photography because as many of you know I have been struggling to do a lot of personal work since university has happened. It's been a struggle but I am going to try and work over it once winter break happens and during the exam period when I have six days off while being in downtown Toronto.

Now don't go getting worried, I am still going to be posting photos here as much as I can. That just means as much as I can will be much less than before.

Instead I want to try and blog more profound thoughts. I know that I may not be the best writer ever but I do feel as if I am an artist and that I have a unique perspective on things compared to other people. I feel like I am good at expressing myself through words even if it is not the most effective or clear all the time. I have cloudy thoughts that translate into tornadoes of conflict and happiness but somehow find their way into an order of a sentence on a page while still destroying everything sensible in their path.

I have been writing this post for over three weeks and I have concluded that maybe I should post it because I can't decide what to write anymore. I'll try to blog over my holiday, but don't hold me to it.

Monday 1 December 2014

Arkells Part 2

I went to see the Arkells on Saturday too, oops.

All the photos are on my VSCO Grid, so give me a follow.

Friday 28 November 2014


I went to go and see the Arkells play last night at Danforth Music Hall in Toronto, ON, and it blew my mind. I didn't know I could love a band so much and being front row in General Admission meant I could almost touch Max's Hand. I swear I would have fainted if I wasn't a strong person. Every time he smiled I smiled and it was just oh my gosh the most incredible thing in the world. I want to go back and watch them tonight and saturday I just never want it to end.


Monday 17 November 2014

Why did I never post these?

Buskers Fest in Waterloo, ON, Summer 2014
Rebecca's Yard and Barn, Summer 2014

September, October

I have been horrible at taking photos of myself since university has started because I am truly a wimp. I don't want to go outside and take self portraits and be judged and I really have no time and I think all my stuff is going to be stolen and blah, blah, blah.

Here's Septembers photo featuring my dorm room and October' photo featuring me being back home in my comfort zone (I am such a wimp)



What defines being homesick?

Lately I have been feeling emotional about being away from home. I just was wondering what being homesick really means and I want to explain my thoughts on the subject to you all.

When I think of the word homesick, I interpret that as missing the place where you come from and the people that mean the most to you. Maybe I don't feel like I would define me being away from my home and missing my family as homesickness because it's not something I cannot deal with. Homesickness is the unbearable longing to be home with family and in a place that is familiar so much that it affects the way you build relationships and the amount of work you get done while you are away from said home. Yes, I miss my family each and every day, but the reality is I need to grow up and find myself without them to truly be able to appreciate them and thrive on my own and have my own life. Being independent, even if for a short amount of time is important in my personal opinion in building character and a sense of the world around you.

Many people stay close to home to save money and be close to their family because they need that familiarity to keep going in their lives and I completely understand that. Lots of people leave home and realize they cannot handle losing that physical closeness with the people they love and they slowly go back. I know I will always want to be close to my family, but for me it's not about physically being with the, it's about having a lasting connection so that no matter where I end up, they're always there with me.

I got a little off topic but that's alright. Homesickness is natural and most people experience it in a different way. I am homesick and I miss home and my family but I'd rather be here finding myself on my own terms and making my own struggles and learning my own lessons instead of having to be caught every time I make a mistake.

I want to fall. I want to fly.

I want to be myself.